Delhi LG Sanctions UAPA Prosecution of Arundhati Roy and Sheikh Showkat Hussain Over 2010 Speeches

Delhi LG Sanctions UAPA Prosecution of Arundhati Roy and Sheikh Showkat Hussain Over 2010 Speeches

Titas Mukherjee     Jun 15, 2024 01:21 pm

The Delhi Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena on Friday approved the prosecution of author Arundhati Roy and former Central University of Kashmir professor Dr. Sheikh Showkat Hussain under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) for speeches made at a 2010 seminar. The decision follows a court-directed FIR prompted by a complaint from Kashmiri activist Sushil Pandit.

The seminar, titled "Azadi — The Only Way" and organized by the "Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners," featured speeches from individuals including late Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, SAR Geelani, and Varavara Rao. The complaint alleged that speeches by Geelani and Roy advocated Kashmir's separation from India.

According to reports, Saxena granted sanction under section 45(1) of the UAPA for alleged provocative remarks made during the event. Last October, he had also authorized prosecution under section 196 of the CrPC for offenses under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.

Roy, known for her criticism of the Modi government, faces charges including promoting enmity between different groups, assertions prejudicial to national integration, intentional insult to provoke breach of peace, and public mischief under IPC sections 153A, 153B, 504, 505, and Section 13 of the UAPA. The prosecution's sanction under IPC offenses was granted by Saxena last year.

The FIR, originally filed under Section 156(3) of the CrPC, led to an investigation into claims that the speeches jeopardized public peace and security. The event, held at the Little Theatre Group auditorium, had seen disruption by BJP members, initially prompting debate over police action under then Home Minister P. Chidambaram.

Following Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena's approval to prosecute author Arundhati Roy and former Kashmir professor Sheikh Showkat Hussain under the stringent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, a political firestorm has erupted between the Opposition and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly criticized the move, denouncing it as illogical and indicative of fascist tendencies. “Condemnable! The Delhi LG has granted permission to prosecute Arundhati Roy under the draconian UAPA for a speech reportedly made 14 years ago – in 2010. Defies logic except the fascist kind. Timing is suspect since courts are on vacation, as are lawyers. Shameful and Condemnable!” posted the CPIM taking to social media platform “X”.

Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra also voiced support for Arundhati Roy, condemning the prosecution under UAPA as a manifestation of BJP's authoritarianism. “If by prosecuting Arundhati Roy under UAPA BJP trying to prove they’re back, well they’re not. And they’ll never be back the same way they were. This kind of fascism is exactly what Indians have voted against,” posted Moitra on “X”.

Congress leader Hariprasad BK echoed these sentiments, accusing the BJP of fostering fascism by suppressing dissent from intellectuals and activists. “Fascism thrives on crushing dissent, particularly from intellectuals, artists, writers, poets & activists. BJP manufacture crises daily to distract and overwhelm dissenters enabling them to divert attention from their failures. This assault on free expression & democratic values is unacceptable,” said Hariprasad BK.

On the other hand, BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla criticized the Congress for what he perceived as prioritizing vote bank politics over national interests. “Delhi LG approves prosecution of Arundhati Roy under UAPA. Why is the Congress ecosystem rattled? First they support & take support from SDPI and now they cry for separatists. Does it not believe Kashmir is integral part of Bharat? From Afzal to Yakub - Congress puts Votebank niti above Rashtra niti ?” said Poonawalla hitting out at the Congress.

Reported By: Titas Mukherjee     Place: Kolkata     Jun 15, 2024 01:21 pm

Place : Kolkata     Reported By : Titas Mukherjee     15-06-2024 01:21:22 pm

The Delhi Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena on Friday approved the prosecution of author Arundhati Roy and former Central University of Kashmir professor Dr. Sheikh Showkat Hussain under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) for speeches made at a 2010 seminar. The decision follows a court-directed FIR prompted by a complaint from Kashmiri activist Sushil Pandit.

The seminar, titled "Azadi — The Only Way" and organized by the "Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners," featured speeches from individuals including late Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, SAR Geelani, and Varavara Rao. The complaint alleged that speeches by Geelani and Roy advocated Kashmir's separation from India.

According to reports, Saxena granted sanction under section 45(1) of the UAPA for alleged provocative remarks made during the event. Last October, he had also authorized prosecution under section 196 of the CrPC for offenses under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.

Roy, known for her criticism of the Modi government, faces charges including promoting enmity between different groups, assertions prejudicial to national integration, intentional insult to provoke breach of peace, and public mischief under IPC sections 153A, 153B, 504, 505, and Section 13 of the UAPA. The prosecution's sanction under IPC offenses was granted by Saxena last year.

The FIR, originally filed under Section 156(3) of the CrPC, led to an investigation into claims that the speeches jeopardized public peace and security. The event, held at the Little Theatre Group auditorium, had seen disruption by BJP members, initially prompting debate over police action under then Home Minister P. Chidambaram.

Following Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena's approval to prosecute author Arundhati Roy and former Kashmir professor Sheikh Showkat Hussain under the stringent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, a political firestorm has erupted between the Opposition and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly criticized the move, denouncing it as illogical and indicative of fascist tendencies. “Condemnable! The Delhi LG has granted permission to prosecute Arundhati Roy under the draconian UAPA for a speech reportedly made 14 years ago – in 2010. Defies logic except the fascist kind. Timing is suspect since courts are on vacation, as are lawyers. Shameful and Condemnable!” posted the CPIM taking to social media platform “X”.

Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra also voiced support for Arundhati Roy, condemning the prosecution under UAPA as a manifestation of BJP's authoritarianism. “If by prosecuting Arundhati Roy under UAPA BJP trying to prove they’re back, well they’re not. And they’ll never be back the same way they were. This kind of fascism is exactly what Indians have voted against,” posted Moitra on “X”.

Congress leader Hariprasad BK echoed these sentiments, accusing the BJP of fostering fascism by suppressing dissent from intellectuals and activists. “Fascism thrives on crushing dissent, particularly from intellectuals, artists, writers, poets & activists. BJP manufacture crises daily to distract and overwhelm dissenters enabling them to divert attention from their failures. This assault on free expression & democratic values is unacceptable,” said Hariprasad BK.

On the other hand, BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla criticized the Congress for what he perceived as prioritizing vote bank politics over national interests. “Delhi LG approves prosecution of Arundhati Roy under UAPA. Why is the Congress ecosystem rattled? First they support & take support from SDPI and now they cry for separatists. Does it not believe Kashmir is integral part of Bharat? From Afzal to Yakub - Congress puts Votebank niti above Rashtra niti ?” said Poonawalla hitting out at the Congress.

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