About Us

Welcome to News The Truth (NTT), an online English news portal at the intersection of authentic storytelling and informed citizenry. Rooted in our deep commitment to amplifying voices often overlooked, we're not just a news outlet; we're a platform for ordinary people to share stories that directly impact their lives. We believe that every individual's narrative is a significant part of the broader social tapestry and should not be eclipsed by mainstream media. Our goal is to raise awareness and incite action and drive accountability from our government.

We curate a broad spectrum of stories that resonate on a human level. You'll find narratives from everyday people sharing their unique struggles, triumphs, and journeys. We shed light on the intricate worlds of politics and government, offering raw insights, untainted and grounded in reality. We explore the fascinating world of arts and culture, unearthing hidden gems and celebrating diversity. We delve into critical climate and environmental topics, advocating for sustainable practices and awareness. Lastly, our dedicated investigations unearth the truth, offering in-depth analyses that inform and challenge.

What sets us apart is our commitment to identifying issues that genuinely affect people. We are not just passive observers; we're an active part of the communities we serve. We empower people to voice their concerns and experiences directly, giving them a platform to be seen and heard. Furthermore, we spotlight problems and propose solutions, promoting dialogue and fostering change.

We understand that one size does not fit all in this fast-paced world. To cater to the modern reader, we offer each story in three formats: written, spoken, and video. Whether you prefer to read an article, listen to a podcast, or watch a video, we have you covered. You can absorb the stories in your way and on your own time.

Join us on this journey of authenticity, awareness, and action. At News The Truth (NTT), we're not just telling stories but creating a movement